Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Teeth Whitening Treatment - Dr. Robert P. Rothenberg

Teeth come in all shades and sizes and shapes that may or may not fit into the jaw correctly. When everything fits together correctly you get a good smile.  A good smile is very important for everyone.  A good smile can help to make someone more successful in their personal or business life. The best smile is one that is straight, smooth in the jaw, and preferably bright white.

There are many ways to get a bright smile. You can be born with it. You can manage to get the bright smile through dental treatment. If your teeth are not straight, you can get them straightened. If your teeth are not bright, you can get Teeth Whitening Treatment at my office.

Teeth Whitening Treatment is best attained at the dental office because the method to whiten the teeth utilizes the strongest strength whitening gel available. Much stronger strength than over-the-counter products or those available through the internet (you can never be sure what you are getting when purchasing over the internet).

The process is easy, simple, and very effective when done in the dental office. We use the safest methods to whiten teeth. Our teeth whitening treatment consists of about an hour in the chair relaxing while the whitening takes place. First the teeth are polished to remove any accumulated stains or deposits so the process can take place on the bare surface of the enamel. A protective cover is placed onto the gum tissue to both protect the gum tissue and to prevent the whitening gel from getting off of the enamel of the tooth. The whitening gel is applied and activated by placing a bright light to shine onto the whitening gel. After a short period of time, the whitening gel is washed away so that we can evaluate the amount of whitening that has taken place. The second application of whitening gel is then applied to allow more whitening to take place. At the end of the second application a beautiful bright smile is evident.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Family and Cosmetic Dentistry - Dr. Robert P. Rothenberg

My office has been located in Manchester, Missouri since I graduated from Washington University Dental School in 1973. I treat patients of all ages from 6 days old to over 100 years old. My office is known for Family and Cosmetic Dentistry. My staff is well trained to handle patients of all ages. We can provide treatment that is strong, long lasting, good looking tooth-colored resitorations. It is very gratifying to be able to treat all members of the family with care, concern, and with no pain since I use the Waterlase laser for most procedures. The laser desensitizes the nerve of the tooth about 90 % of the time so that the patient can get the treatment comfortably, quickly, and painlessly.

All the restoration procedures done whether composite fillings or porcelain are tooth-colored so that the new restoration matches the adjacent teeth. No more black or discolored fillings! Cosmetic procedures provide some of the best type of dental care since the composite restorations are bonded to the tooth structure whether enamel or the inside tooth structure-dentin. Bonding is a process that seals the juncture of the material and the tooth so there is no gap between the two parts. That helps to prevent recurrent decay from beginning. Thus the tooth is stronger after the new restoration than it was before the restoration because weak tooth or decayed tooth has no strength.

Family and Cosmetic Dentistry is the best way to treat the whole family. Each patient gets a treatment plan that is individually planned after dental records are completed including x-rays as needed, visual exam of the hard and soft tissues, Velscope exam of the deep tissue layers to eliminate the worry of possible deep inflammation or pre-cancer, Diagnodent (laser) exam of the teeth grooves and enamel to look for invisible signs of decay, https://www.youtube.com/embed/YLgQRTgC8-w?rel=0, and video photos of the teeth are taken.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Cosmetic Dental Treatment and Dental Crowns in Manchester MO

Dr. Rothenberg has been practicing in Manchester Missouri for 45 years. The office is well known for providing dental crowns in Manchester MO at a one visit procedure. He uses the Cerec system to make the crown the same visit the tooth is prepared. NO temporary or impression or second visit is needs since the crown is made at the same appointment. The crown is all ceramic and results in a cosmetic dental treatment. Usually the whole process is done with the aid of the Waterlase laser and usually no anesthetic is needed since the laser energy can desensitize the tooth before treatment.

